In an interview with K-MAG, Julius Scheuber talks about data-driven productivity management and how it can be used to achieve higher performance, less downtime and fewer rejects.
You have developed a solution for data-driven productivity management. What problem are you addressing with it?
Julius Scheuber: Most companies today are "blind" when it comes to their shop floor. They often have no live information about utilisation and productivity. If this data is available, it is usually based on manually recorded data by the workers. But this does not reflect what is really happening on the shop floor.
Fast, efficient work and the clarification of important questions that arise in production are not possible in this way. By this I mean questions like: Which plant had the highest productivity this week? What was the top reason for a shutdown and how many hours of downtime does this reason allocate? Which product causes the most frequent production problems?
ENLYZE provides insights into all these questions based on machine data. In our app, the most common problems can thus be quickly identified and rectified so that production is always running at a top level.