
Product development in Alpla's One-Stop Shop

Interview with Norman Häusler, Director Corporate Product Development, ALPLA Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG

Exclusively for K-MAG

Image: a studio with white tables and screens on the wall, people are talking in the background; Cyopright: ALPLA

Copyright: ALPLA


Image: Norman Häusler; Copyright: ALPLA

Norman Häusler. Copyright: ALPLA

Image: a woman is wearing a virtual reality headset and hand-helds, another woman assists her; Copyright: ALPLA

Virtual reality allows customers to experience the designed products even more realistically. Copyright: ALPLA

Kyra Molinari (Editorial team K-MAG)

More Science

Image: young asian woman in a laboratory; photo: Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Image: young asian woman in a laboratory; photo: Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Image: two young women with Coffee to go; Copyright: peus80

Image: two young women with Coffee to go; Copyright: peus80

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