
High-performance adhesive for the transportation systems of the future

Adhesives hold many parts of our world together. Even if we don't always see them ...

Exclusively for K-Mag

Image: Interior of a possible Hyperloop pod; Copyright: THL

Fine upholstery, pleasant interior lighting and wood-effect paneling. You should feel comfortable in modern compartments. Necessary, but not to be seen: High-performance adhesive; Copyright: THL


Hyperloop project: the transportation system of the future?

Light strips for the interior and tunnel

Image: View into a tunnel created for the test hyperloop with the glued light strips; Copyright: THL

The light strips, which are bonded with high-performance plastic, can also be found in the tunnel. Here they have to be able to withstand a particularly high level of material tension. Copyright: THL

Small details for big success

Image: A man holds a glue gun in his hands in a workshop to glue a car part; Copyright: envato

Special adhesives are used in the automotive industry, both in production and in repair workshops. Copyright: envato

Image: silver passenger pod for the Hyperloop comes out of a tube; Copyright: THL

Whether and how the Hyperloop will ever become a reality is unclear. What is certain, however, is that intensive research is continuing into this and other solutions for transportation systems. And certainly in use for this: high-performance adhesive! Copyright: THL

Further training: The exciting world of adhesives

Simone Ernst (Editorial team K-MAG)

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