Many processes that make modern life possible and that map our everyday life may be brought to a temporary standstill. Nevertheless, an industrial society cannot simply be put into a fairytale-like hibernation. That would be its ruin. It needs vehicles that help keep the life engine of society running and enable functioning togetherness at all levels, while at the same time adhering to necessary safety measures. Distance, for example. But not everything can be regulated via telephone or internet. In many cases, direct visual contact is needed - that's how people are, that's how many processes are. A conversation between doctor and patient, for example, may be possible by telephone or video link. But it remains questionable whether a medical anamnesis really works just as effectively without the doctor seeing the patient directly. Other things, however, as the view through a window pane makes clear, can be regulated if one is separated from the other by a transparent screen, insofar as a conversation is possible.
Some politicians associate pandemic with the term war. However, viruses are not enemy soldiers or terrorists. Thus, unlike a bank or other security-relevant areas, a spit shield does not need impact-, bullet- or explosion-resistant laminated safety glass to prevent infection with pathogens. This is, incidentally, sandwich-like in structure and contains the plastic polyvinyl butyral (PVB). This polymer prevents the typical shattering effect of glass and is characterised by high tear resistance. Car windscreens are made of safety glass and contain PVB.