
3D printing: manufacturing eye prostheses from plastic

Natural look with plastic eye prostheses

Exclusively for K-Mag

Image: a hand with a small plastic spatula placed under the artificial eye of a patient; Copyright: Max Tactic -

Unlike their glass counterparts, plastic prostheses for the eyes are less prone to breakage. However, both types must be removed from the eye socket or inserted with the necessary care; Copyright: Max Tactic -


Plastic: a good choice

Eye prosthesis from the 3D printer

Image: artificial eye from the 3D printer; Copyright: Fraunhofer IGD

The artificial eye from the 3D printer looks very similar to a real eye. Copyright: Fraunhofer IGD

The perfect model has good adhesion

Counterfeit protection for plastic medical devices

Image: Plastic tubes, next to a reader; Copyright: Grafe

Copyright: Grafe

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