
Thermoplastics in aircraft construction – less weight, more future

Interview with Dr.-Ing. Frederic Fischer, former Project Manager "Large Passenger Aircraft", Center for Lightweight Production Technology (ZLP), German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Exclusively for K-MAG

Image: MFFD component before transport; Copyright: DLR

MFFD component before transport. Copyright: DLR


Innovative plastic component: the multi-functional fuselage demonstrator (MFFD)

Image: Dr.-Ing. Frederic Fischer; Copyright: DLR

Dr.-Ing. Frederic Fischer. Copyright: DLR

Image: In-situ skin taping; Copyright: DLR

In-situ skin taping. Copyright: DLR

Image: Integration of the stringers by continuous ultrasonic welding; Copyright: DLR

Integration of the stringers by continuous ultrasonic welding. Copyright: DLR

Advantages for sustainable production

Image: Integration of the stringers using the resistance welding process; Copyright: DLR

Integration of the ribs with the resistance welding process - the welding bridge developed in the project is used. Copyright: DLR

Image: completed demonstrator; Copyright: DLR

Completed demonstrator; Copyright: DLR

Elena Blume (Editorial team K-MAG)

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