
New EU packaging regulation: Voices from the industry

Exclusively for K-Mag

Bild: EU flag; Copyright: Greola

Copyright: Greola


The special rules for plastic packaging, which are still being extended today, are jeopardising the transformation towards less packaging waste, more recyclable packaging and more use of recycled materials..

Image: Dr Martin Engelmann; Copyright: IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.
The proposed changes include arbitrary bans on recyclable single-use plastic packaging that are not supported by an impact assessment or evidence of environmental benefits.
Image: Ingemar Bühler; Copyright: Plastics Europe
It is already clear today that there will not be enough approved recyclates to fulfill the use quotas for food packaging.
Image: Dr. Isabell Schmidt; Copyright: IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.
Image: Plastic packaging; Copyright: jchizhe

Around 25 million tonnes of plastic packaging are used in the EU every year. Copyright: jchizhe

Sarah Dietsche (Editorial team K-Mag)

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