
AI-based sorting: the smart way to recycle plastics

Interview with Michael Köster, Sales Manager Waste Recycling Division, STEINERT GmbH

Exclusively for K-MAG

Image: Piles of plastic waste sorted by colour; Copyright: STEINERT

STEINERT's AI-based technologies are making the sorting of plastic waste at RE Plano even more reliable and efficient. Copyright: STEINERT


Image: Michael Köster; Copyright: STEINERT

Michael Köster. Copyright: STEINERT

Image: Sorting plant; Copyright: STEINERT

The UniSort sorting systems from STEINERT provide optimum training material for an AI. Copyright: STEINERT

Image: White plastic waste; Copyright: STEINERT

The RE Plano plant in Bochum produces purities of over 97%. Copyright: STEINERT

Elena Blume (Editorial team K-MAG)

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