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K - 8 to 15 October 2025

drupa 2024 – touchpoint packaging – Join in now!


What is crucial for your brand when developing sustainable product and packaging concepts? From May 28 to June 7, 2024, drupa - the world's leading trade fair for printing and packaging technologies - will showcase innovative solutions for packaging that are also of great interest to companies in the plastics industry and the cosmetics sector as their customers as part of the special forum touchpoint packaging.

drupa takes place every four years in Düsseldorf, Germany, and offers a comprehensive platform for innovations, technologies and trends in the areas of print and media production. From traditional printing processes to state-of-the-art digital solutions, drupa presents a wide range of products and services for professionals from all over the world. Visitors have the opportunity to find out about the latest developments in the industry, make business contacts and gain valuable insights into the future of the print industry.

Packaging experts along the entire value chain, whether industry, retail, universities, designers, material suppliers, printers or converters, will come together at touchpoint packaging.

Under the motto "Ready to redefine packaging?", the future of packaging will be discussed, joint projects will be presented and, above all, brand owners will be given an insight into the possibilities of print in packaging.

Find out more about touchpoint packaging on the drupa website.

Main topics:

  • Neo-Ecology with a focus on the circular economy and sustainability

  • Connectivity with a focus on cutting-edge technologies

  • Glocalisation with ideas on balancing global efficiency and local relevance

  • Future Regulations with the most important consumer trends

  • Consumers‘ Mind for dealing with new sustainability requirements

  • A full-day conference program with inspiring presentations, e.g. by Benjamin Punchard, UK - Mintel, exhibiting key players of the packaging industry such as Leonhard Kurz, hubergroup, Henkel and hp as well as the presentation of excellent cooperation projects between students of the NABA Design School Milan with Landa, Koenig & Bauer and mondi

  • Networking Events for brand owners with keynotes by Karel Golta – Indeed Innovation, Germany and Hernàn Braberman - Tridimage, Argentina

  • An Innovation Walk that takes you to the inspirational highlights on the subject of packaging at drupa

Save the date: drupa will take place in Düsseldorf from May 28 to June 7, 2024.

Secure your ticket to drupa 2024 now.

Webinar „Packing for tomorrow“

Webinar Information
Join our experts to explore the future prospects for our planet, society and the packaging industry in particular. From overarching narratives to specific trends, you will gain insights from Karel Golta, Benjamin Punchard and Hernàn Braberman. Moderated by Uwe Melichar, you will learn how we can shape a sustainable and desirable future through innovative packaging solutions and the integration of artificial intelligence.


Don't forget to apply for your visa as soon as possible.

Due to the high number of visa requests, visa appointments are currently fully booked. Thus, we would like to recommend you to make a visa application well in advance for all your upcoming business travels to Germany. Visa application can be made up to six months ahead of the travel dates. The German Consulate is trying their best to honour all visa requests for business commuters travelling to shows in Germany.

While new appointments are opening up continously, we recommend you to check the availability multiple times a day. Best chances for an appointment slot is in the mornings.
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