What were the main requirements for the transport box and how were these technically realised?
Schütz: The transport box is still under development; the current tests were carried out with a demonstrator series, for which the focus was on mechanical strength and durability as well as uncomplicated handling. At the same time, the production and choice of materials had to enable the most cost-efficient solution possible.
However, the exact properties of the reusable box have not yet been finalised: The material properties of the outer packaging and inlay as well as the dimensions, design and shape of the inlay can be customised for specific applications. We are happy to take on further functionalities so that a market-ready solution is of interest to as many users as possible.
What materials is the box made of? And how does the environment benefit from your solution?
Schütz: The boxes in the demonstrator series are made of polyethylene or polypropylene. In order to optimally support mechanical recycling in the long term, the end product should be a monomaterial solution; both polyolefins would be suitable for this.