Since its founding in 2006 bioplastics MAGAZINE has been the global number one trade magazine dedicated exclusively to bioplastics, i.e. plastics from renewable resources and/or biodegradable plastics. bioplastics MAGAZINE is continuously broadening the scope to include topics of plastics based on captured carbon and selected recycling topics. bioplastics MAGAZINE including the daily news (print/web/app) is a unique platform for bioplastics related information worldwide. It is complemented by basic books and highclass conferences. bioplastics MAGAZINE is read by decision-makers in all parts of this industry. bioplastics MAGAZINE is an independent and neutral source of information for all. The average print run is 3000 (depending on large events such as exhibitions or conferences). In addition the flipbook-version on our website alone is read by 8,000 to more than 10,000 readers.