Researchers at Fraunhofer WKI thus posed the question of whether or not other fibrous materials could be used to reduce component weight, only using carbon fibers in those places where they represent a structural advantage. They investigated various readily available ecological materials in terms of their technical properties, availability and cost-efficiency, since a feasible solution for industry must have positive technical, ecological and economic impacts.
Natural-fiber-reinforced plastics turned out to be the answer. As components in organic composites, vegetable fibers are a sustainable alternative for lightweight vehicle bodies. The biogenic component improves the ecological impact of industrial high-performance composite materials during manufacturing, use and disposal.
Economically speaking, the use of renewable raw materials is beneficial because natural flax, hemp, wood and jute fibers are less expensive than carbon fibers and require less energy to manufacture. Thus the advantages of weight reduction don’t come with a prohibitive price tag.
And there are additional advantages in industrial processing and with applications in the vehicle: The naturally grown structure of organic composites gives materials acoustic damping properties and reduces splintering, which is important in the event of a collision.