- Phenol (chemical formula: C6H5OH) is a component of coal tar and was discovered in 1834 by the German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge (1794-1867), who called it “carbolic acid”. The name “phenol” is in turn derived from the Greek word for “to shine” (“phainomai”) and is attributable to the fact that not only tar but also illuminating gas is produced when coal is heated in the absence of air (coking). This gas was used for street lighting – in Germany, for the first time in Berlin in September 1826, when 26 gas lanterns were brought into operation on Unter den Linden. Phenol is a colourless, crystalline solid, which dissolves easily in water. After being insignificant for a long time, it was later used as a disinfectant, before it attracted the attention of the plastics industry. Nowadays, more than 90 per cent of it is obtained via acid cleavage of its derivative cumene hydroperoxide (Hock’sche Phenolsynthese; more details can be found at Collin 2007, 27).
- Formaldehyde (methanal, chemical formula: HCOH) is an oxidation product of methyl alcohol in gas form, that was initially called wood alcohol. The latter is in turn a distillate of wood gas, which is produced when wood is heated up in the absence of air. The suffix “-aldehyde” reflects the dehydration of the alcohol, i.e. the removal of hydrogen atoms during oxidation. The prefix “form-“ is attributable to the fact that methanal can be converted into formic acid by oxidation. Formaldehyde was discovered in 1855 by the Russian chemist Alexander Mikhaylovich Butlerov (1828-1886). The aqueous solution known as formalin is what is used most, e.g. as a preservative. Formaldehyde is produced nowadays by catalytic gas phase oxidation of methanol (more details can be found at Collin 2007, 28).
What is produced when phenol and formaldehyde are combined is a substance with the chemical formula HOCH2C6H4OH, which was unprecedented at Baekeland’s time: it is similar to neither of the two original substances and cannot be produced from any substance that can be found in nature. “It is as if a number of hairpins and a can opener were taken apart into their individual components and were then put back together again to make a complete, working colour television” (Mark 1970, 81).
But how does this combination take place? What exactly happens in chemical terms? Anonymous 2010c, 78 explains: “Up to three formaldehyde molecules can attach to one phenol molecule. These two substances therefore form a spatially networked structure and thus a strong and resistant plastic”. This does not happen by itself, however; activating impulses are needed instead: “By carefully heating and compressing the mixture, Baekeland enabled the formaldehyde molecules to lose their oxygen atoms and the phenol rings to connect to each other via a carbon atom. Once this reaction started, the molecule grew into an enormous network of rings” (Mark 1970, 80).
Since water is released as a by-product when phenol and formaldehyde react, the phenolic resin that is produced is known as a condensation polymer and the more common term “plastic” is avoided. However, the four letters “poly-“ that both terms share indicates the large number of molecules that have joined together in both cases to form a single macromolecule (Mark 1970: “Giant molecule”). What is probably the most prominent condensation polymer is, incidentally, the synthetic fibre polyamide 6.6, which is better known as nylon.
The molecule networks that are characteristic of phenolic resin at the chemical level are the reason for its central physical property of retaining its shape even if it is exposed to higher temperatures. It is this property that makes phenolic resin what is known as a thermoset, to distinguish it from thermoplastics: “Thermosets consist of molecule networks that are difficult to destroy, whereas thermoplastics consist of a large number of juxtaposed molecular chains. Since this arrangement is less resistant, thermoplastics can be melted or dissolved and also recycled” (Anonymous 2010c, 80). Phenolic resin, on the other hand, can be heated up to 300° before it chars, without softening (Brandenburger 1938, 20).
So that phenol and formaldehyde molecules cross-link, additives are incorporated that initiate, maintain and strengthen condensation polymerisation. The outstanding feature of the additives, which are known as catalysts, is that they trigger and/or influence chemical reactions without participating in them themselves and therefore come out of them unchanged and unconsumed. Extremely different end products are created, depending on whether acid or alkali (basic) additives are used: “Acid catalysts lead to novolacs that do not set by themselves, while alkaline catalysts lead to self-setting resols” (Domininghaus 1969, 57). The catalogue published for the Bakelite anniversary exhibition says: “A distinction is made between two processes in the production of phenol-formaldehyde resins. The first possibility is the reaction with a surplus of phenol and an acid catalyst. What is produced here initially is a resin with the technical name ‘novolac’. Linear molecular chains are involved in this case, i.e. a meltable resin that is easy to process. A setting agent is needed to develop the material properties attributable to a stable molecular network. […] The second possibility is the process that […] operates with a surplus of formaldehyde and an alkaline catalyst. The end product does not melt” (Anonymous 2010c, 78).
While Adolf Baeyer had worked exclusively with acids (Baeyer 1872, 25-26 & 1095-1096), Baekeland’s research included both acid and alkaline catalysis, so that he developed both basic types of phenolic resin as a result:
- In acid catalysis, a meltable resin similar to shellac is produced, which Baekeland therefore gave the name “novolac” (stands for “new shellac”) (Brandenburger 1938, 24, and Collin 2007, 11). Novolac does not set by itself; amines have to be added first. Nowadays, it is standard practice to use “the ‘formaldehyde dispenser’ hexamethylentetramine (Urotropin)” as the setting agent (Collin 2007, 11; see also Schäfke 1987, 14). Moulded articles were originally produced from novolac; nowadays, the material is used for such applications as microelectronics and micromechanics (Anonymous 2010c, 78).
- In alkaline catalysis, e.g. using lye or an ammonia solution, the phenolic resin goes through a kind of gradual growth process during the condensation polymerisation reaction – something that Baekeland himself divided up into three different stages: resol (A stage), resitol (B stage) and resit (C stage).
Resol forms “as an oily layer […] that […] hardens into a brittle compound when it cools down” (Raubach 1960, 42); it melts and is soluble. Under the influence of heat and the elimination of water, it becomes resitol, a rubber-like compound (ibid., 42), which no longer melts but swells and can be shaped. Under the influence of heat and pressure as well as the elimination of further water, resitol finally becomes resit, which neither dissolves nor melts nor can it be shaped. Resit therefore has to be considered the final stage (condensation polymer) of the phenolic resin. Resol and resitol are considered to be preliminary stages (oligocondensates). It goes without saying, however, that all three compounds can be processed industrially, depending on the purpose to which they are to be put: “By stopping the reaction when the required consistency has been reached, the manufacturer of the resin has many different possibilities, especially for forwarding the material to the manufacturers of the end products” (Anonymous 2010c, 78-79).
Baekeland started the first tests to study and control the chemical reaction of phenol and formaldehyde in his private laboratory in Yonkers in 1905. Until then, “no-one […] had succeeded in producing flawless moulded parts, because the reaction between phenol and formaldehyde and, above all, the setting of the resins produced were uncontrollable under the conditions applied and led to blistered or porous products due to the release of condensation water. Baekeland therefore faced the challenge of developing a process for the production of homogeneous, hard, non-melting and insoluble reaction products from phenol and formaldehyde without pores or visible cavities (holes). The solution that Baekeland found was – in contrast to all his predecessors – to work under the simultaneous influence of heat and pressure at higher temperatures and thus to accelerate the reaction, to eliminate most of the condensation water and to set the end product ‘without bloating and becoming porous’. To this end, he constructed a reactor he called Old Faithful, in which he produced 180 litres of an amber-coloured, viscous phenolic resin compound for the first time on 20. June 1907” (Braun 2010, 24; cf. Collin 2003, 150, Raubach 1960, 37-39, and Brandenburger 1938, 24).
In the final analysis, the simultaneous application of heat and pressure was therefore “the key feature of the Baekeland process” (Brandenburger 1938, 20) – the successful conversion of resitol into high-quality resit was the crucial breakthrough in the development of a material that was suitable for industrial production:
“In contrast to earlier experiments with phenol/formaldehyde mixtures, the chemical reaction was […] relatively easy to control and to repeat successfully. The resin compound produced was blister-free at last too” (Fiell and Fiell 2009, 13). Baekeland “managed to carry out resin formation […] in such a way that it was possible to interrupt development into the insoluble, non-melting material at different times, i.e. at the times when it was suitable for combination with other substances or for moulding” (Brandenburger 1938, 19). Baekeland’s achievement was therefore less the discovery of phenolic resin – to all intents and purpose that was imminent – and more the controllability of the reaction process, as a result of which industrial production became possible and worthwhile, as Schäfke 1987, 12 writes.
“Baekeland tested his set products to determine their insulation properties. The results were excellent. This therefore meant that the resin that was so urgently needed for insulation moulding compounds had been found at long last” (Raubach 1960, 39). In 1907, Baekeland then filed a total of seven US patents. The “heat and pressure” patent (US 942,699) that was filed on 13. July 1907, 111 years ago today, is considered to be the most important one. The innovative new phenolic resin was given the name “Bakelite”, which was also registered as a trademark.